

  • Current posts and media imported
  • Premium theme and plugins installed
  • Site skeleton created with old sitemap
  • New custom post types: “Team Members” and “House Tours” created for ease of use for admin team
  • Requested to push form build early
  • New styling applied. View form here.
  • Site header rebuilt
  • Global footer rebuilt
  • Property manager, interior designer, developer added to form. View form here. Temporarily taken away “Page” functionality, can revert at any time. 
  • All broken media urls replaced
  • Homepage recreated (aside from services section)
  •  Contact page rebuilt, forms created (aside from Mailchimp integration). 
  • All old uTour posts ported over under same sub-folder names
  •  Custom uTour page template created
  • ** will recommend adding new tours to the custom post I’ve created after site has launched. Easier to keep track and update. Current pages will remain the same. 
  • New spreadsheet added to the Drive folder titled “INDUSTRY RELATED SERVICES”
    • Intention behind it is to give both sides a better visual aide to see which industries use which services. Ensures we’re not missing anything on the form or site. 
  • All logos on homepage recreated and patched with grey overlay. 
  • New logo slider created in place of static logo gallery. 
  • All blog images moved over
  • Unstyled form added to appointment page
  • Blog archive created
  • Industry Services pages started with the new designs. 
  • All services created. 
  • Footer cleaned up
  • FAQ page created
  • Promotion page created
  • Charity Contributions CPT created
  • Booking form tidied up

Client Content Checklist

Build list

Awaiting material